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Week 2 - Some men are from Venus


So i'm back with an update on the mini project that i was working on last week! I managed to finalize an idea on what i'm planning to draw with some help from my friends.

So for my illustrations, the final theme i'm working on is based off the phrase that "men are from Mars, and women are from Venus". However, i'm going to switch the genders and make it so that "men can be from Venus, and women can be from Mars".

Although the world is progressing for the better, there are still people who don't accept the LGBT community. So the reason why i chose this theme is to show people that it's alright for a person to love someone of the same gender and act/dress like the opposite. :)

Here's the sketch i did of a 'man from Venus' for one of my illustrations. Colour scheme wise, i was planning on painting him with pink hues, with a purple background. As seen below. I added some elements that i thought could symbolize the fluidity of sexuality like the scarf and the blue rose. I'm envisioning a space-like background with stars, most likely to represent the vast freedom one might feel being comfortable being in their own skin and accepting themself.

I'll update my next post probably with process of a 'woman from Mars', and hopefully a completed version of my 'man from Venus'!

Thanks for reading!

- Syafiq

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